Role of District Industries Centre

Role of District Industries Centre

Describe the role of The District Industries Centre for the promotion and development of small businesses.

District Industries Centre was established in 1978 for the development of small-scale businesses. In the formation and development of small business, the role of the district industries centre is undeniable. The purpose of the district industries centre is to create more employment and improve the rural economy. The main function of the district industries centre is to identify local potential entrepreneurs for this purpose. It is the duty of the district industries centre to make the local entrepreneurs aware of various issues for setting up small businesses and to discuss the formation of small businesses in groups based on gram panchayats. Each district industrial centre has a few managers with the rank of assistant director of industry and industrial development officers to assist the general manager. The job of all these officers is to make entrepreneurs aware of local resources and current advanced organizational techniques and to encourage everyone to start small businesses.

The main role of the district industries centre in the development of small businesses is:

1. To assist in setting up and expanding small businesses to improve the rural economy.

2. Trying to give priority to small businesses in power connection and telephone connection.

3. Provide information on where local raw materials can be obtained.

4. Entrepreneurs in terms of infrastructural opportunities i.e. transportation, warehousing, research, etc.

5. To arrange land for formation and expansion of small businesses.

6. The district industries centre informs the educated but unemployed villagers about various government schemes, e.g. Prime Minister’s Rozkar Yojana, Jawahar Rozkar Yojana, etc.

7. To provide proper assistance in marketing of small business products, to provide various information about marketing.

8. Assist small businesses in purchasing machinery and equipment or rental or instalment basis.

In view of the above discussion, it can be said that the main role of the district industrial centres is to develop small businesses for the betterment of the rural economy.

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