Indian Financial System Question Paper 2021 | B.COM (Honours) | Semester 3 | Calcutta University

Indian Financial System Honours Question Paper 2021



Paper : CC-3.2 Ch.

Full Marks : 80

Group – A

Answer any four questions

1. (a) Write a note on the role played by the financial system in the economic development of a country.

(b) Give an outline of the structure of the financial system. (6+4)

2. (a) Mention four functions of a money market.

(b) Write a note on the call money market in India. (4+6)

3. (a) What do you mean by a merchant bank? How are merchant banks different from commercial banks?

(b) Give an outline of the SEBI regulations relating to merchant banks. [(2+2)+6]

4. (a) Discuss the objectives and limitations of credit rating.

(b) Do credit rating agencies improve the functioning of the capital market? Explain briefly. [(3+3)+4]

5. (a) What do you mean by ‘investor protection’? Why is investor protection necessary for the development of capital market?

(b) Discuss the role of the media in investor protection. [(2+4)+4]

6. (a) Discuss the recent changes that have taken place in Indian capital market.

(b) Name two instruments of debt market. (8+2)

7. (a) What do you mean by ‘Development Financial Institutions’ (DFI)? State the functions of a DFI.

(b) Write a short note on NABARD. [(2+3)+5]

8. (a) Discuss the process of book building issue mechanism.

(b) Distinguish between money market and capital market. (6+4)

Group – B

Answer any two questions

9. (a) Explain the credit creation mechanism of commercial banks and its limitations.

(b) Explain the relationship between cash reserve ratio and the power of commercial banks to create cerdit. [(12+4)+4]

10. (a) Discuss the role played by mutual funds in developing in the capital market.

(b) Write short notes on:


(ii) GIC. [10+(5+5)]

11. (a) Give a brief account on Indian Debt market.

(b) Discuss the functions of commercial banks. (10+10)

12. Write short notes on:

(a) Certificate of Deposit

(b) Brokers

(c) Grievances regarding new issue market

(d) Repo and Reverse Repo (5+5+5+5)

Calcutta University IFS Question Papers

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