Indian Financial System (IFS) Suggestions 2022-23 | B.COM (Honours) | Semester 3 | Calcutta University

Indian Financial System Suggestions for B.COM Honours Semester 3

1. Financial System and Its Components [10]

**(a) Significance of financial system. (5)

**(b) Identify the components of a financial system. (5)

(c) Major changes in Indian Financial System since 1991 (5/10)

2. Financial Markets

(i) Money Market [10]

(a) Role of Central Bank. (5/10)

**(b) Note on Indian Money Market. (5)

**(c) Note on Treasury Bill Market (5)

**(d) Commercial Paper Vs. Certificate of Deposit and Note. (5)

**(e) Repo Vs. Reverse Repo. (5)

**(f) Recent trends in Indian Money Market. (10)

(ii) Capital Market [20]

**(a) Functions of Indian Capital Market. (10)

**(b) Interrelationship between Primary Market and Secondary Market & Functions. (5/10)

(c) Indian Equity Market. (5)

**(d) Various methods of making a new issue in the capital market. (5/10)

**(e) Role/ Functions of Brokers & Sub-brokers in Capital Market. (5+5)

**(f) Role of Stock Exchanges n India. (5/10)

(g) Share brokers Vs. Share Sub-brokers. (5)

(h) Note of Private Placement Method. (5)

3. Financial Institutions [20]

(a) Functions of Commercial banks. (5/10)

**(b) Note on Central Bank (RBI) / Functions of RBI. (5/10)

**(c) Various methods of credit control of RBI. (10)

(d) Monetary Policy of RBI. (5/10)

**(e) Role & Functions of EXIM Bank / Note of EXIM Bank. (5/10)

**(f) Note on LICI/ Role & Functions of LICI. (5/10)

**(g) Open ended Vs. Close-ended mutual fund schemes. (10)

(h) Functions of GICI. (10)

**(i) Note/ Functions on NBFCs. (5/10)

(j) Regulation of RBI over NBFCs. (5/10)

(k) Different types o mutual funds. (10)

(l) Role & Functions of SIDBI. (10)

(m) Note on DFI. (5/10)

(n) Life Insurance Vs. General Insurance. (5/10)

4. Financial Services [10]

**(a) Functions & Role of Merchant Banks. (10)

**(b) SEBI regulations regarding Credit Rating. (10)

**(c) Importance of Credit Rating/ Note on Credit rating/ Name of Credit Rating Agencies. (5)

**(d) Function of Credit Rating Agencies. (5/10)

5. Investors’ Protection [10]

**(a) Role of judiciary in Investors’ protection. (5)

**(b) Role of SEBI in investors’ protection. (10)

**(c) Note on Investors’ Protection/ Objectives/ Importance. (5)

**(d) Grievance redressal mechanism of stock exchange. (5/10)

Calcutta University Question Papers

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