Causes of Persistence of Poverty in India

Causes of Persistence of Poverty in India

What are the causes of persistence of poverty in India?

The causes of India’s persistent poverty are :

1. Population explosion:

The rate of population growth since 1921 has been phenomenal, with about 2.6 million people born every year. Decrease in death rate and increase in birth rate is also one of the reasons for this. However, there is no doubt that illiteracy and lack of awareness is one of the reasons for this population explosion and poverty.

2. Unemployment and low wages:

As the goals and objectives of India’s five-year plan are not met, unemployment and poverty are co-existing in our country. The number of disguised unemployment in Indian agriculture is also increasing. Moreover, the low wages of agricultural labourers and lack of work throughout the year are also the main causes of poverty.

3. Agricultural backwardness:

In the field of agriculture, although modern agriculture is practiced sporadically, 60% to 65% of people across India still depend on underdeveloped agriculture. Therefore, there is no doubt that the prevalence of poverty has increased due to the lack of progress in agriculture.

4. Income inequality:

Capitalism, exploitation, and deprivation are being indulged in a mixed economy in our country. The government’s liberal industrial policy, industrial licensing policy, and budgetary policies have largely protected the interests of the wealthy classes. Because of the unequal distribution of national income and wealth, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

5. Stable inflation:

Since the 1980’s rampant deficit spending and rampant hyperinflation have compounded the miseries of low-income landless and marginal farmers. As a result, the middle class has become the lower middle class and the lower middle class has become landless families with skyrocketing prices and forced to live in poverty.

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2 Thoughts to “Causes of Persistence of Poverty in India”

  1. sagarmukherjee

    VERY good content Thank you sir

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